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Premium Domain Name | Make it Easy to Remember

Domain Name Investor Welcome

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Dear Customer: The domain you typed in is available. Prices are subject to change and negotiation. All offers welcome. Don't be deterred. Don't give up. Make multiple offers. Friendly seller will help you to acquire your domain name.

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    Keep the Name as Short as Possible

    Remember that word-of-mouth and SERPs dominance marketing (where your domain consistently comes up for industry-related searches) both rely on the ease with which the domain can be called to mind. You don't want to be the company with the terrific website that no one can ever remember to tell their friends about because they can't remember the domain name. Make it Easy to Remember.

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    Make it Easy to Remember

    Remember that word-of-mouth and SERPs dominance marketing (where your domain consistently comes up for industry-related searches) both rely on the ease with which the domain can be called to mind. You don't want to be the company with the terrific website that no one can ever remember to tell their friends about because they can't remember the domain name.

    Portfolio Item

    Choose Dot-Com Domain Name

    You're at all serious about building a successful website over the long-term, you should be worried about all of these elements, and while directing traffic to a .net or .org (as SEOmoz does) is fine, owning and 301'ing the .com is critical. With the exception of the very tech-savvy, most people who use the web still make the automatic assumption that .com is all that's out there - don't make the mistake of locking out or losing traffic to these folks.

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